The Inner Labyrinth

The Inner Labyrinth
Inner Musings and Moments

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Riotous St.Patricks Day!!Ah

AH!! Such a warm and fine day here in the Midwest..all day the sun rose and the drink went down!!''
As for me..I dressed in green..even going to the I did and faith if I didn't!!!

There were jokes and Green flecked challah in the shape of Shamrocks...more jokes all about and then faith if there wasn't potatoes and cabbage right there on the kiddush table..and what more!! quite a selection of Irish whiskeys to be tried!!! ah..but as for pass the peat smoked Irish connemara what if it'sa memory and a stone's throw from the island I lived on sip and I'm done!! but never done remembering how it was to clamber up the ladder of the old cottage I once lived in..ah never!!! and twas a fine time I had hauling a few precious pieces of peat down from the loft and yes...burning it...there in that very cottage all by twas so if it was and if it wasn' I'amn't after telling you a tale...

and so the day of living it up and memory goes on..after a fine nap and a good read and a bit of a rest with my Dad in the back yard..there we are all gathered around the table for a fine corned beef dinner flavored with curry!!!

and then off to the pub where my dear husband and I knock back beer and whiskey in the company of a comedian and a violinist...and then ah sure the...bagpipers come out in force..the three of them bless them!! and a man on the drum....all so cute and blowing so hard their very faces turned red/!!! ah..all the more fun on this hot day of 80 degrees perfect for a laugh and a good time and sitting out on Lake Street drinking a beer and dashing down a whiskey..and me with my goofyleprechaun headband and green necklaces and sure enjoying the fun..enjoying the fun and drawing it all..
faith if I was and faith if I wasn't!!

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